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    Saturday, September 10, 2022

    Binary Tree

    A binary tree

    1. is either an empty tree or

    2. consists of a node, called root, and two children, left and right, each of which is itself a binary tree.


    Properties of a Binary Tree

    1. There exists a unique path between every two vertices.

    2. The number of vertices is one more than the number of edges in the tree. That is e = v-1

    3. The sum of degrees of the vertices in any graph is equal to 2e. That is 2e=2v-2

    4. The maximum number of nodes of level i in a binary tree is 2i−1, where i ≥ 1.

    5. The maximum number of nodes of depth d in a binary tree is 2d−1, where d ≥ 1.

    Binary Tree Abstract Data Type

    class TreeNode



    char Data;

    TreeNode *Lchild;

    TreeNode *Rchild;



    class BinaryTree



    TreeNode *Root;


    BinaryTree(){Root = Null};

    // constructor creates an empty tree

    TreeNode * GetNode();

    void InsertNode(TreeNode*);

    void DeleteNode( TreeNode*);



    The basic operations on a binary tree can be as listed as follows:

    1. Creation—Creating an empty binary tree to which the ‘root’ points

    2. Traversal—Visiting all the nodes in a binary tree

    3. Deletion—Deleting a node from a non-empty binary tree

    4. Insertion—Inserting a node into an existing (may be empty) binary tree

    5. Merge—Merging two binary trees

    6. Copy—Copying a binary tree

    7. Compare—Comparing two binary trees

    8. Finding a replica or mirror of a binary tree


    Realization of a Binary Tree

    The implementation of a binary tree should represent the hierarchical relationship between a parent node and its left and right children.

    Binary tree can be implemented as

    -          Array implementation of a Binary tree

    -          Linked implementation of a Binary tree

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